How to Build a Content Strategy

Content strategy is a framework for creating, curating, and presenting multimedia that supports your business goals. It encompasses everything from writing to images and videos and can be incorporated into peer-discipline deliverables like information architecture, user research, project management, and web analytics.


A solid content strategy ensures that your messaging is aligned with your audience’s needs and expectations. This is crucial to producing positive results across your digital marketing channels.

1. Understanding your audience

Identifying who will read the content is an important step when building your content strategy. Knowing who you want to connect with and engage will determine the type of content you create. It is a good idea to have a few goals in mind when determining the type of content that will be produced for your audience, but don’t try to cover too many bases. A “jack of all trades” approach to marketing can end up limiting the results you get and can cause your brand to appear disjointed and unfocused.

Start by identifying your audience and what problem you will be helping them solve with your product or service. This will help you focus on creating a content that provides value to your audience and can be used across all of your marketing channels, including website, email, social media, and digital ads.

Use data to surface basic demographic information like age and location and go deeper with social listening tools such as Sprout’s that can reveal brand keywords and conversations that indicate pain points, interests, and challenges. You can also gather information from customer care or survey tools to learn more about your audience and their experiences with your products and services. This knowledge will help you build content that is useful, informative, and empowering to your audiences.

2. Creating a content audit

A content audit is an important first step to any content strategy. It allows you to see what content you have and where it sits on your site, which gives you a better idea of what your priorities should be for updating, rewriting, or deleting it. It can also be helpful to identify the type of content that your audience needs and when.

It’s easy to get caught up in creating new content and forget about existing pieces. A content audit can help you focus on your existing content and give it the attention that it deserves.

A successful content audit will help you improve your search engine optimization (SEO) by identifying pages with low-quality or outdated information. This will make your website more visible to search engines and increase your chances of ranking higher in search results. It will also ensure that your content is relevant to the search queries of your target audience.

Another key benefit of a content audit is that it will give you a clear picture of your website’s structure. It will show you which pages are generating the most traffic and sales, as well as those that are not. It will also enable you to determine if there are any gaps in different stages of the customer journey that need to be addressed.

3. Creating a content calendar

A content calendar is a great tool for staying on track and ensuring your team members are all aware of the topics they need to focus on. It can also help you identify seasonal content opportunities and create a content cadence. This can vary depending on your industry and audience, so it’s important to find the right mix of content for your unique business needs.

Using a content calendar will allow you to schedule blog posts, podcast episodes and social media updates ahead of time. This can save you valuable time and ensure that your content is published on the day it’s due. It’s also a great way to track the results of your content, such as page views, social engagement and newsletter signups.

In addition to a timeline of when your content will be released, your content calendar should include deadlines for each individual task that contributes to the final piece. For example, if you’re planning to publish a video interview with one of your panelists, it will take a certain amount of time to record, edit and publish the episode. It’s important to include these timelines in your content calendar so that everyone involved is clear on what needs to be done and by when.

Finally, your content calendar should contain a list of “future” content ideas that aren’t yet scheduled. This can be a good place to “brain dump” ideas that you might not have the resources to produce right now.

4. Creating a content strategy

A content strategy is a blueprint for creating and managing your company’s digital content. It includes a set of goals that help you identify the type of content your audience needs and how to deliver it. It also outlines the roles and workflows that support creation, management, and governance of content.

Whether you are building a new digital experience or rethinking an existing one, starting with a well-defined content strategy will help you achieve your goals faster and more effectively. By using a standardized methodology, you can ensure that all your digital content is aligned with your business objectives and customer needs.

To create a content strategy, start by identifying your business goals and defining your target audience. A good way to do this is by analyzing your current web traffic and sales opportunities using Google Analytics. This will give you a clear picture of what types of content are working and what are not.

Next, consider your company’s brand, competitors, and market. A clear understanding of your brand will help you establish a consistent voice and tone for your content, which will make it easier to create a unified content strategy. It will also help you understand what content types are most effective for your customers at each stage of the buyer journey. Finally, you will need to determine how you will distribute your content and what metrics will be used to measure its effectiveness.