Reptile Research and Studies

Reptile research and studies are essential to a better understanding of these animals. It is also a way to promote their welfare and educate people about them.


A study of 11,000 reptile species found that fewer than ten articles explored or assumed sentience traits and aspects in those species. This should be a concern to wildlife enthusiasts and those keeping reptiles as pets.

Studying the Behavior of Reptiles

Reptiles, including snakes and lizards, can experience pain and stress just like mammals. Unfortunately, despite their evolutionary closeness to mammals, indicators of suffering are often missed by observers who may fail to recognize them. This can be due to pre-existing perceptions and biases towards mammals as being ‘smarter’, as well as an assumption that reptiles are incapable of experiencing discomfort or anxiety.

We can learn a lot about reptile behaviour by studying the natural world and by observing captive animals. For example, a study of captive bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) demonstrated that they can learn through imitation, showing the same level of social learning as observed in ‘higher’ species. The same researchers have also shown that a behavioural response to disease, called ’stargazing’, can be seen in boids and some crotalids when they are suffering from parasitic, viral bacterial or fungal CNS disease.

In captivity, many reptiles are exposed to environments which are far removed from those they would be experiencing in the wild and often suffer poor welfare because of this. In order to improve their quality of life, we must recognise that reptiles have the capacity to feel pleasure, emotion and anxiety. Identifying behavioural issues such as hyperactivity, self-mutilation or postural abnormalities requires diagnostics that can rule out medical problems or suboptimal husbandry before environmental enrichment and other interventions are undertaken.

Studying the Genetics of Reptiles

Reptile genetics is the study of how certain traits get passed on to offspring. This includes both dominant and recessive genes. A good understanding of how these genes work is essential for anyone who wants to get involved with selective breeding projects.

Studies into the genetics of reptiles have been very successful in deciphering some of their unique characteristics. For example, the tuatara genome has been sequenced and is now available to scientific research. This was made possible by a collaborative project with the M?ori indigenous people of New Zealand. The team of scientists worked to ensure that the research aligned with and respected the importance of the tuatara to their culture.

The genetics of reptiles have also been used to explore their evolutionary history. For example, the DNA of a number of species of snakes has been compared in order to gain an insight into the evolution of their sex chromosomes. While most mammals and birds share homologous sex chromosomes, lizards have independent sex chromosome systems. By studying the sex chromosomes of a range of different reptile species, researchers were able to identify specific sequence features that appear at evolutionary breakpoints and provide clues to the function of these chromosomes.

Similarly, the genetics of reptiles has been used to identify and predict disease and injury in captive reptiles. For instance, changes in feeding behaviour have been a reliable indicator of pain in ball pythons (Python regius). This knowledge is useful for those caring for these animals and can help to improve their welfare.

Studying the Evolution of Reptiles

Reptiles are an interesting group to study because they exhibit a lot of variation in morphology and ecology. Unfortunately, this group is often overlooked in terms of research efforts. As a result, very little is known about their cognitive or emotional lives.

Fortunately, recent advances in genomics and cytogenetics are making it possible to study reptile evolution with greater accuracy. For instance, chromosome painting allows researchers to determine the level of conservation, or rearrangement, between different reptilian species. This technique is being used to identify sex chromosomes in reptiles.

In addition, comparative DNA sequencing is helping to uncover the evolutionary history of reptiles. For example, scientists recently discovered that the chicken Z chromosome has been conserved in squamate reptiles (snakes and lizards) despite 275 million years of divergence.

Another fascinating discovery was made when a team of scientists compared the genomes of crocodiles and dinosaurs to that of modern lizards. They found that many of the major ancestors of crocodiles and dinosaurs evolved more slowly than their modern counterparts. This slower evolution is likely the result of major climate shifts that occurred millions of years ago.

While the capacity of reptiles to feel pain, stress and fear is not as well understood as in mammals, recognition of these traits can help to change perspectives towards their welfare needs. Understanding their sensitivity can also assist in changing legislation and associated exotic pet industry practices.

Studying the Habitat of Reptiles

Reptiles (class Reptilia) are a group of vertebrates that includes snakes, turtles, lizards and crocodilians. These animals are distinguished by a number of features, including dry, scaly skin, cold-blooded metabolism, and laying eggs (though some reptiles, such as the Puerto Rican boa constrictor, give birth to live young). They also lack gills, and rely on lungs for oxygen.

The vast majority of reptile species are associated with terrestrial habitats, and have adapted to a wide variety of climates and soil types. Some reptiles are partially or fully aquatic, living in freshwater lakes, rivers, ponds, and wetlands. Others are marginally aquatic, spending most of their time on land but entering water to lay eggs or travel overland between wetlands.

Amphibians are a keystone species in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, transferring energy from one system to the other by eating insects, small mammals, and even other amphibians. They are often the dominant organisms in small, shallow wetlands and play important roles in nutrient cycling.

Sadly, populations of amphibians and reptiles are in decline across the country. The Department of Fish and Wildlife works to conserve these animals, through funding from the Loon License Plate and Chickadee Check-off programs, a State Wildlife Grant from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and through donations to the Maine Amphibian and Reptile Atlas Project.